За последние три десятилетия меня зацепили на Игры Tales-одной из самых продолжительных франшиз RPG, которая никогда не перестает меня очаровывать. Из вечных рассказов об играх, таких как «Сказки о судьбе» и «Сказки Симфонии», ясно, почему они выдерживают испытание временем. Тем не менее, неоспоримо, что в серии наблюдается снижение продукции, когда мы продвигаемся вперед в последние годы.
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С тех пор, как в 2021 году возникнут рассказы о том, что во франшизе не было выпущено новой игры. Тем не менее, в течение его 30 -летия Tales дает сильную прибыль! Bandai Namco в настоящее время участвует в крупномасштабном «Remastered Project» для периодического переиздания игр, которые стали трудно получить и играть в эти дни. Первый выпуск этого — «Сказки о грациях».
В дополнение к известным титулам из серии Tales, некоторые игры никогда не были выпущены в западных регионах. Одна из таких игр-«Сказки о возрождении», которая недавно перенесла крупномасштабный перевод фанатов. Если энтузиазм фанатов остается высоким, есть вероятность, что эти давнозабоченные игры могут быть в конечном итоге обнаружены.
Директор IP Tales Yusuke Tomizawa заявил, что они будут взволнованы, если они смогут сделать ранее неизданные игры, доступные на Западе, благодаря будущим ремастеринским проектам. Кроме того, он приветствовал предложения и просьбы от западных фанатов, чтобы помочь принести эти ремастированные издания в свои регионы.
Недавно, Inverse провел интересный разговор с Томизавой и Юки Ишикавой, продюсером «Рассказ о Грациях», обсуждая их амбициозные планы по возрождению франшизы. Они объяснили, почему они решили начать с Graces, как они объединяют элементы на протяжении всей серии в Remastered Project, и причин, посвященные сосредоточенности на ремастерах, а не на римейках.
Это интервью было отредактировано для ясности и краткости.
Почему вы выбрали «Tales of Graces F» в качестве игры, чтобы запустить 30 -летие? Является ли это подходящей отправной точкой для игроков, новых в серии Tales, предлагая прочное введение?
tomizawa: Ранее были предприняты отдельные усилия по ремонте различных названий, однако из -за различий в их контекстах и средах развития, уровень проблем добычи значительно варьировался. Следовательно, было невозможно представить их прямо.
Наконец, нам удалось значительно продвинуть наши подготовки, что позволило нам представить изысканные игры игрокам более гладким и более сплоченным образом. Следовательно, мы решили запустить эти Remastered Games под коллективным названием «Remastered Project», отмечая начало с нашим празднованием 30 -летия.
Это идеально, чтобы прыгнуть в сериал сейчас с Tales of Graces F Remastered , учитывая это событие. Игра сохраняет основные аспекты, последовательные по всей серии, как очаровательная история, которая исследует отношения и развитие главных героев. Система боевых действий, похвалившаяся как один из лучших во франшизе, предлагает захватывающий и полноценный опыт.
Even though the game is fifteen years old, the remastered version retains its aesthetic charm, making it seem as if the artwork has no expiration date. I’m convinced that this game, a part of the Tales of series, carries enough substance to introduce new players to the essence of what makes this series valuable.
What strategies did you employ to enhance the visual aspect of Graces while preserving its distinctive and singular art style throughout the game development process?
Ishikawa: The primary focus was on preserving the lines and colors as designed by Mutsumi Inomata-sensei. Over-enhancing the color saturation or line thickness during remastering could have compromised the original’s feeling of delicacy and ethereality. The development team found it challenging to strike a balance between maintaining the original’s subtle qualities and improving overall visual appeal.
How did you decide what quality of life improvements to add to such a huge RPG?
Initially, we transferred the game to modern gaming platforms, ensuring the authentic gameplay remained intact. As numerous developers have emphasized, it takes considerable effort to make an older game function flawlessly on newer systems.>
To start with, we moved the game to the latest generation consoles, prioritizing the preservation of its original gameplay feel. It’s common knowledge among developers that a significant amount of work is required to get an old game running smoothly on modern platforms.>
Following that, I spearheaded some visual upgrades and incorporated fresh elements. These game-enhancing features were brainstormed by myself and the dev team, drawing from our personal gaming experiences and deliberations on what tweaks could make «Grace f» even more engaging for players like us.
In connection with our comprehensive «Tales of» refurbishment initiative, we’re focusing on harmonizing premium attributes throughout the series and enhancing user-friendly options for a seamless experience. Additionally, we aim to provide players with the freedom to switch specific features on or off during gameplay, not just at the start.
From a personal perspective, being a fan of the series, it would be thrilling for me to engage with additional characters from various parts of the franchise, particularly in settings such as an arena. However, this comes with difficulties regarding models and motion data. Nonetheless, I am excited about the prospect of encountering more characters in upcoming remastered projects and the evolution of the Tales of series.
Was the acclaim of Tales of Arise a factor in altering your perspective on the series? What insights have you gained from Arise’s success and positive reception?
In Tomizawa’s words: Tales of Arise faced numerous challenges under the theme of «evolution and legacy,» striving to reshape the future of the series on a global level. The game’s unprecedented global success offers valuable insights for the direction and quality of future installments. Yet, blindly mimicking Arise’s success isn’t ideal since the future is constantly changing and unpredictable. As we create more RPGs, our aim is to adapt to these changes, staying one step ahead while producing games that resonate with each passing era.
From my perspective, it was only natural that this Remastered Project came to fruition. The expansive world of «Arise» has broadened the horizons of the series, allowing us to revisit these timeless stories and characters with a fresh perspective. While staying true to the spirit of each era, I believe it’s crucial to present these tales in modernized settings that cater to fans, offering them an opportunity to immerse themselves once more in this beloved series.
Did you ever consider making some of the Tales games that didn’t come out in the Western world, such as Tales of Rebirth, available to us somehow?
Tomizawa: Previously unreleased games have been remastered by us and made available in regions where the originals did not exist, offering languages not found in the initial versions. The Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition is a representative example of such releases.
As a gaming enthusiast, I can’t help but feel elated at the thought of bringing games that haven’t seen the light of day in the Western world through future remastered projects. It would be a dream come true for me and many others like us. We eagerly anticipate hearing from our fellow gamers in the West, as their requests will play a crucial role in bringing these remastered versions to their regions.
Have we remastered several iterations of the Tales series so far — Vesperia, Symphonia, and most recently Graces? Has there ever been a thought about creating remakes instead? Would remakes be a suitable fit for the Tales series?
Tomizawa: Unlike remasters which mainly update the graphics or audio, remakes are completely redesigned with fresh concepts and techniques. This isn’t exclusive to the Tales of series—when modernizing settings and gameplay experiences from older games according to contemporary RPG standards, difficulties inevitably surface. For example, the vastness of an RPG might necessitate dividing its content into various sections in order to fully convey its richness, thus making the process more intricate.
The difficulty of revisiting personal treasured memories, along with the hardship of creating remakes compared to fresh projects, increases the complexity. Furthermore, given the ongoing evolution of the Tales of series, particularly its combat systems that blend the series’ unique style and contemporary trends, pinpointing the perfect moment for a remake is equally important.
To put it another way, the challenge lies in the fact that recreating the Tales of series for contemporary times might not be straightforward. Yet, I’m interested in delving deeper into the possibility of a successful remake, provided we can find the ideal equilibrium in our creative process.
In recent times, Role-Playing Games (RPGs) have experienced a comeback, with hits like Persona and numerous remakes of classic games. What are your thoughts about the future of the Tales series? How can we expand upon its 30-year history effectively?
It’s great to notice that JRPG-style games are regaining popularity on a global scale, even those produced by other companies. Our experiences with Tales of Arise have shown me that there is still potential for the Tales of series to grow and develop further. Additionally, we have gained a better understanding of the unique qualities and style we need to maintain in order to appeal to players, as well as identifying areas where evolution is necessary.
As a dedicated gamer, I’m thrilled to be part of a team that’s not just about progress, but about evolving gameplay while keeping the essence of classic character-driven RPGs alive. This remastered project we’re working on is a testament to our commitment in this direction.
Furthermore, given our iconic and timeless story-focused franchise that’s celebrated 30 years of existence, enriching with each passing year yet preserving its core spirit, I think it’s crucial to maintain a steady influx of new admirers for the series and uphold its lasting significance.
The enhanced version of «Tales of Graces f» is currently accessible on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and personal computers.
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